Monday, April 7, 2008


So, not too long ago I caught some flack from my teammates after a race as we were all post-race smack down talking and I removed my helmet. Some background: when you're mixing it up at 50+ mph over chip-seal with some nasty MF'ers, any edge you can get is well worth it when podium time rolls around. Bitches. As an unnaturally small, dwarf-like person, I have to use my head in sprint situations to muscle my way to the golden position. If you saw my result from Mason Lake #2, you'll know I'm not to be f'd with in bunch sprints. I recently have been using sanitary napkins in my helmet to add an extra layer of cushoning. That's right, Maxi.
Whatever, right now I know some of you shittards are ROTFLMAO.
Next time you do:
Weights on Monday (24 45's on there this time + whatever the platform weighs = 1080+ on the leg press), 20" sprints w/ 1' rest on the rollers x 40 on Tuesday (72 mph max.), 6 x 30' @ 45 mph (roller speed) Wed. and a nice 32 mph avs roller ride on Thurs.
Let me know whose wearing the pads. Bitches.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For the record, the head-butt was only brought out to combat the "flagrant over the center-line pass."

The recipient of the butt then rode up to his teammate's wheel, or nearly to it, and shoved some poor sap from Montana towards the shoulder of the road.

I didn't take my hands off the bars at least! The puny helmet pads are sufficient to prevent any intra-cranial bleeding that could be caused by helmeted head-butts.

I will not comment on whether or not I shortly thereafter crossed said center line to get to the front of the pack.

You are a funny bastard whoever you are, and I take everything you've written as flattery. That is, unless you want to fight or something. Bitch.

See you on the wall at Longbranch tomorrow where I won my State Senior Road Race championship (and Masters Gold, Silver, and Bronze).

Keep it up!