Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some clarification and advice for old timers

Apparently, losers, there is confusion with my blog and someone named Robert Campbell. From what I can see, this Robert Campbell appears to be a Masters C or possibly D racer. In other words he doesn't exist in my world. I am a category 1 racer and the only time I enter Master A races is when there is a purse I can take from the old timers who like to ride their bikes real fucking slow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, I will also show up for state championship medals and any attending prizes that may be on offer at those races. So big cash purses for masters are up for grabs, and I'll also do the Masters race at the Capitol Crit as usual.
Other than that, I will leave the old guys alone, even though I am becoming both increasingly older and slower.
There is another well-known rider who is not as considerate as I am when it comes to poaching masters events, so maybe you can pick on him too?